Foundation for His Ministry is a nonprofit, interdenominational corporation legally constituted under U.S. law 501(c)(3).
Federal ID# AH952499595N
State ID# 216-4831-6
FFHM is supported by private donations and all donations are tax deductible. The board meets regularly and oversees our entire ministry to ensure our finances are handled in a way that is ethical, moral, and legal. Our Finance Committee sets priorities for using the funds entrusted to us by God and our donors.
Our 10-Fold Commitment
We will use all contributions as designated by the donors.
If a specific project is oversubscribed, the funds will be returned or transferred to a related fund.
We will never try to raise more money than is needed.
Receipts and thank you letters are sent quickly for all gifts.
Our books are audited annually by an outside accounting firm.
Financial statements are available upon request.
Budgets are carefully set up and approved by the Finance Committee of our U.S. Board.
We will continue to maintain our debt-free status. We have never had debt. We have no debts now and will not go into debt and then expect our donors to bail us out.
We will maintain minimal administrative costs. The necessary administrative expenses to support this multi-faceted ministry, with its missionary staff of over 100, averages less than 10%.
We will never employ emotional sensationalism to release funds for this ministry. We believe “God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply. “
*We are a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability