Rescue Children


Children's Homes

Currently, we have three homes for children who are not able to live with their families, because they have been orphaned, abandoned or abused.


Daycare Program

The Baja Mission operates one daycare where care is provided for 100 children whose parents must work and cannot afford to pay for childcare.



Education is a critical component to breaking the cycle of poverty. We provide the children in our home with an intentional Christian education, equipping them with the tools needed to change their future.



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Tijuana apartments

Our transitional housing provides a safe and secure environment for the young adults aging out of our children’s homes. This allows them to grow in independence and learn the skills necessary to successfully transition into adulthood.

Sponsoring a child costs as little as $35/month. Your sponsorship gives a child the gift of health and hope for the future. Please prayerfully consider if God is asking you to sponsor a child this year.